Welcome to our study ‘An Examination of Unconventional Sexual Fantasies and Behaviours.’

This form explains the research to help you decide whether you want to do the study. It explains the goals of this study, and what it involves, lists things that might cause you problems as a result of doing the study, and gives resources you can contact if you have any questions or concerns about this study. Your participation in this study is voluntary.

What are we trying to learn in this research?

The purpose of this study is to examine the connections between unconventional sexual fantasies and unconventional sexual behaviors. We aim to assess how often individuals engage in paraphilic fantasies, the specific content of these fantasies, and how they relate to actual sexual behaviors. By exploring these elements, we seek to understand the role of unconventional fantasies in sexual arousal and behavior, as well as the psychological factors that influence these fantasies. Additionally, we hope to gain insights into whether the occurrence of such fantasies and behaviors correlates with other psychological traits. This research aims to contribute to a better understanding of the complexities surrounding sexual fantasies and behaviors, especially those considered unconventional or paraphilic.

Name and Contact Information of Researchers:

Prof. Dr. Robert Lehmann, Medical School Berlin, Department of Psychology; Email: robert.lehmann@medicalschool-berlin.de
Jasmin Bunk, Medical School Berlin; Email: jasmin.bunk@student.medicalschool-berlin.de
Alicia Becker, Medical School Berlin; Email: alicia.becker@student.medicalschool-berlin.de

Objectives and Summary:

• The purpose of this 20-25 minute survey is to learn more about unconventional sexual fantasies and behaviors

• To participate in this study, you will need to be at least 18 years of age, be able to read English.

• We expect to survey a total of 500 people.

• Your answers will be completely anonymous (that is, not tied to you in any way). No information that could be used to identify you will be connected with your survey responses.

• You will be asked to answer a series of questions about yourself, your sexual fantasies, and your sexual behavior. Several questions concern fantasies and behaviours that are unconventional or considered repulsive in our society, such as interest in bestiality, children, and rough sex.

Withdrawing from the study:

• Your participation in this survey is voluntary and you may choose not to take part – an option to withdraw will be included at the bottom of each page.

• The questions asked may be embarrassing or offensive because of the topics covered. You are free to stop the survey at any time.

• You cannot withdraw after you complete the survey. The survey is anonymous so we will have no way to identify your data.


We want to learn about unconventional sexual fantasies and sexual behaviour. As such, you may find some of the questions to be of a sensitive nature and they may cause you distress or embarrassment if disclosed. If you do feel distressed from answering any of these questions, we invite you to contact a crisis line near you:

• Find a helpline: Free, confidential support from a helpline or hotline near you. Online chat, text or phone: findahelpline.com/
• Example of items: Spanking, beating, or whipping someone against their will; Verbally humilating someone against their will; Being forced by someone into sexual activities

Confidentiality and Data Storage:

• We will treat your personal information as confidential.

• We are not collecting IP addresses. The researchers will not be able to link your answers to your identity and we will not know who said what. All responses are kept in a secure survey owned by the researchers (not by a third party, or on the Internet).

• No information that discloses your identity will be released or published.

• The results of this study may be published, but the data will be presented so that it will not be possible to identify you.

• After the study is completed, we will retain your anonymized data.

• You cannot withdraw after the survey is completed.

What if I have questions later?

If you have any remaining concerns, questions, or comments about the experiment, please feel free to contact Prof. Dr. Robert Lehmann, Medical School Berlin, Department of Psychology
Email: robert.lehmann@medicalschool-berlin.de

I voluntarily agree to participate in this study.

I understand that this survey will ask me to answer a series of questions about opinions, attitudes and behaviours, some of which may be considered repulsive, such as interest in bestiality, children, and rough sex. I also understand that some questions are personal, including questions about my sexual interests and behaviours. I am also aware that the time spent answering the questions is measured throughout the survey for research purposes such as data quality assurance.