0% completed


This survey is part of the Erasmus+ project Care4Skills. The goal of this project is to improve skills for people working in the long-term care sector. By collaborating with other partners across European Member States we strive to help care workers acquire new skills and improve existing ones. Long-term care involves providing support to people who need additional assistance due to age, disability, or mental health issues. This support can range from daily tasks to permanent nursing care.

This questionnaire targets social worker assistants, social care workers, nursing professionals, and similar professions where applicable, who work with persons with disabilities or support needs, elderly persons, persons with mental health challenges, or chronic illnesses.

By sharing your insights, you will help us understand necessary skills and improve training for care workers. This will also make care work more visible.

The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

Your answers are very important to help make positive changes in long-term care. Your answers will be used for evaluation purposes and not be used or published otherwise.

Le risposte saranno utilizzate a scopo di valutazione e non saranno utilizzate o pubblicate in altro modo. Le risposte al questionario sono rigorosamente anonime e non saranno trasmesse a terzi. Le risposte saranno conservate in un ambiente protetto. Alla fine del questionario, siete liberi di decidere se desiderate ricevere ulteriori informazioni su Care4Skills. A tal fine è possibile fornire il proprio indirizzo e-mail. Questi dati personali vengono memorizzati separatamente e non possono essere associati ai dati del sondaggio.

Thank you for your participation!