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Spinning the Wheel: Questionnaire Study on Loot Box Engagement

Before you start, we would like to briefly inform you about the purpose and procedure of this study. 

Purpose: The aim of our study is to examine the relationship between loot box engagement, shopping behavior, and gambling behavior. Additionally, parameters regarding your personality and your loot box motivation are being analyzed. It focuses specifically on people who have purchased a loot box with real money at least once.

Procedure: On the following pages you will be asked to answer questions on basic demographics, your gaming habits, your loot box engagement, your loot box motivation, your shopping behavior, your gambling behavior and your personality characteristics. The total duration of the study is estimated at 20 minutes. 

The minimum age for participation is 18 years. 

Due to the level of concentration required to answer the questions, possible fatigue can develop. However, please note that participation is voluntary and can be paused or permanently discontinued at any time without negative consequences and justification. All data gathered will be recorded and stored anonymously

The researchers of this project aim at possibly giving access to the data to other researchers (open data). However, any shared data or research results will not be traceable to you as an individual person. 

After completing the questionnaire, you can take part in a lottery possibly winning one out of five 10 EUR GoGift vouchers (exchangeable to e.g., Amazon, Playstation Store, Steam etc.)! In order to enter the winning lottery, you can enter your email address at the end of the questionnaire. Email addresses will be collected separately from the data, so that your email address cannot be matched with your responses in the questionnaire. Your email address will only be used for the lottery and deleted immediately after the winners are pulled. 

If these premises apply to you, be welcome to press "Next". The informed consent will follow on the next page.

PS: Users of the research platform SurveyCircle.com will receive SurveyCircle points for their participation.

If you have any questions regarding this study, please feel free to contact noah.thill.001@student.uni.lu, or the study supervisor M.Sc. Gary L. Wagener (gary.wagener@uni.lu)