Have you ever been frustrated at a construction site because, as a cyclist or pedestrian, you were forgotten?

BRAVOUR Project Symbolic image of the BRAVOUR project

At the University of Kassel, we are researching as part of the BRAVOUR research project how traffic management for pedestrians and cyclists at construction sites can be optimized.

The research project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport. The results will be published in the National Cycling Plan 3.0.

The survey covers the following aspects:

➤ Behavior at construction sites

➤ Accident experiences at construction sites, e.g., with cargo and special bikes

➤ Importance of traffic management elements at construction sites

By participating in our survey, you will help make construction sites safer for all user groups in the future. The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Participation is, of course, voluntary and confidential.

Your participation is worthwhile for another reason as well:

Among all participants who fully complete the questionnaire, we will raffle 30 vouchers worth 20 euros each!

I have read the Datenschutzerklärung and confirm, that personrelated Data will be processed according to the listed uses.

Thank you for your support and participation in the survey!