Quality of social encounters and intercultural relations at Leuphana
What will I do?
By completing this survey, you will answer questions about your experience of your involvement in and your sense of belonging to the Leuphana student community and life on campus. It includes questions about your social life, your studies and your perception of the Leuphana environment. We highly appreciate your time and limited the survey completion to approx. 10 minutes (38 questions).
Potential risks:
Some questions may be personal or upsetting. You can skip them or quit the survey at any time.
Breach of confidentiality: There is a chance your data could be seen by someone who should not have access to it. We are minimizing this risk in the following ways:
o The data is anonymous.
o We use SoSci as survey system and the data will be stored as securely as possible at their serves in Munich.
Possible benefits: Our Leuphana student community might benefit from this research through possible future outcomes and implications, such as enhanced social events and spaces for encounter and communication. For example, the two roundtables at the Mensa could be used for a weekly Open Community Lunch, should you as students desire such. Furthermore, people accountable for designing the university processes and environment can potentially be provided with important information for improving the experience of both international and domestic students at Leuphana. And finally, we especially hope that the findings can contribute to the interpersonal competence of all of us in order to maintain and expand a way of social coexistence which conveys into multicultural contexts beyond our university. Then, hopefully, we all can contribute to fostering an even broader societal cohesion and to supporting a more resilient society.
Estimated number of participants: 200 students
How long will it take? ideally max. 10 minutes
Compensation: None
Future research: De-identified data (all identifying information removed) may be shared with other researchers who want to further investigate the topic.
Confidentiality and Data Security
We will collect the following identifying information for the research:
- internationality
- language skills
- age
- gender
- study combination and semester
- part-time or full-time enrolment
- employment
- parenthood
- living situation
This information is necessary to be able to cluster the data for interpretative purposes.
How long will it be kept? The raw data will be kept until it is analyzed and interpreted (31st of March 2025), the results will be summarized and stored in a research output that might inform future projects and research on how to foster social cohesion and intercultural competence at Leuphana.
Who can see my data?
We (the researchers) will have access to de-identified (no names, birthdate, address, etc.) data. This is so we can analyze the data and conduct the study.
We may share our findings in publications or presentations. If we do, the results will be aggregate (grouped) data, with no individual results. If we quote you, we will use no names or pseudonyms (fake names).
We might share the findings with the administrative body and/or the International office of the Leuphana University so they can rely on it to implement adjustments to their offer as well as to enhance the provided structures of our university.
Questions about the research, feedback, critique, complaints or problems:
Please print or save this screen if you want to be able to access the information later.
Agreement to Participate
Your participation is completely voluntary, and you can withdraw at any time.
To take this survey, you must be:
· At least 18 years old
· Enrolled at Leuphana University of Lüneburg during winter semester 2024/25.
If you meet these criteria and would like to take the survey, click the button below to start.