The study you are about to undertake is part of a research project that investigates the connection between fundamental motives and emotions. This research project is conducted by the Department of Psychology at Webster Vienna Private University.
In this study, you will be asked to indicate the emotional experience you would feel in fourteen scenarios typically encountered in everyday life. The study also includes two questionnaires asking standard information about yourself.
Data is collected via soSci Survey, a professional online platform widely implemented by researchers worldwide for various research projects. The platform applies the highest security standards for data protection. Your IP address is not collected and the data will be stored securely on a password-protected server. Your data will be used for research purposes only. To ensure confidentiality, your personal data will not be shared with third parties and will only be accessible to the researchers working on this project. In order to guarantee anonymity, neither your name nor any other identifying information will be stored with the data you provide during the tasks. Although it is unlikely that anyone will try to gain access to your data, you have the right to know that transmission of information over the Internet cannot be guaranteed to remain confidential. Your confidentiality is only as secure as your equipment.
Participation to this study is voluntary and if you were to experience any discomfort during the procedure, you are free to stop the study at any time without penalty or negative consequence to yourself. The principal investigator in this project is Dr Marc Mehu, who can be contacted by e-mail: Marc.Mehu{at}
This project has been reviewed and accepted by the Institutional Review Board of Webster University. For more information regarding ethical aspects of research with human participants, please contact irb{at} Data protection is our utmost priority and our procedure complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you have concerns about data protection issues, please contact Webster Vienna Private University’s Data Protection Officer, Mrs Edna Schick-Bodric by email at