====== debug() ====== ''void **debug**(mixed //object//)'' The function ''debug()'' conveniently shows the project manager the content of a PHP or data variable or a placeholder in debug mode. * //object// * The ID of a data variable or a placeholder, or * A PHP variable ([[:en:create:variables|Variables]]) **Tip:** For more information on usage, see [[:en:create:debugging]]. **Important:** The function ''debug()'' produces output only if the questionnaire was started in debug mode {{:button.debug.gif?nolink|Start questionnaire in debug mode}}. In the preview ({{:button.run.gif?nolink|Preview questionnaire}}) and in regular interviews ''debug()'' has no function. ===== Examples ===== // Display response before the filter for the selection AB01 is executed debug('AB01'); if (value('AB01') == 2) { goToPage('end'); } // Placeholders $random = random(1,10); if ($random == 1) { replace('%category%', 'employee'); } else { replace('%category%', 'superior'); } debug('category'); // Show PHP variable $itemlist = getItems('AB09', 'min', 2); debug($itemlist); {{:de:create:functions:scr.debug.png?nolink|Display Debug Information}}