**Tip:** If you have the selection options to hand in Excel or OpenOffice Calc, the function ''CONCATENATE()'' can automatically create the majority of the HTML code. If, for example, the answer code is in column A, and the text in column B, enter the following formula into column C (first row). Then, drag the formula across the whole of column C, and simply copy the code created as a result.
''AB01_01'' was entered here as the name for the form element ''select'' -- this must be adjusted to the actual item ID (of the item in the "internal variables" question). An attribute ''value'' is specified for each selection option ''option'' -- this determines which numeric code will be submitted. If you want the actual text to be stored, just omit the attribute.
==== Activating the Internal Variable ====
Only the corresponding PHP code is now missing -- the ID must also be adjusted here:
Done. Almost, at least.
==== Display in the Questionnaire ====
At the moment, the drop-down would just be "stuck" on the left-hand side of the page. The following table gives it a little more style:
To stay with the style of the drop-down fields in SoSci Survey, the CSS classes from SoSci Survey can be used as well:
Question title here
**Tip:** The CSS classes that SoSci Survey uses can just be looked up in a "normal" question: the HTML source code can be displayed in the browser by going on the respective page in the questionnaire. The source code for a particular question can easily be found by searching for the question ID.
===== Example: Use of JavaScript =====
The solution outlined above assumes that the value from the custom input element ('''' or ''