====== Data Retrieval and Questionnaire Documentation ====== In this chapter it is described how you can download the data you collected via your interviews and open them with statistics software (SPSS, GNU R) or with spreadsheet software (e.g. OpenOffice Calc or Excel). Moreover, additional variables within your dataset and the meaning of the return values (data) for different types of questions will be explained. Further, within this chapter you can find a tutorial showing how to get your online questionnaire as a printable version which you can add to a thesis, e.g. (normal screenshots have turned out not to look too nice.) * [[reponse|Controlling of your return]] * [[:de:results:analyses|Data evaluation online]] (only available on s2survey.net) * [[download|Data Retrieval]] {{:tip.png?nolink|besonders lesenwert}} * [[:en:results:import-spss|Importing data into SPSS (easy)]] * [[:en:results:import-spss-csv|Importing data into SPSS (via CSV)]] * [[:en:results:import_spss-man|Importing data into SPSS (manuell via CSV)]] * [[:en:results:import-gnu-r|Importing data into GNU R]] * [[:en:results:import-openoffice|Importing data into OpenOffice Calc]] * [[:en:results:import-excel|Importing data into Microsoft Excel]] * [[:en:results:data-api]] * [[:en:results:troubleshooting]] * [[:en:results:values|Coding and return values]] * [[:en:results:variables|Additional variables in the data output]] * [[:en:results:modify]] * [[:en:results:delete]] * [[:en:results:restoredata]] * [[:en:results:documentation]] {{:tip.png?nolink|besonders lesenwert}} * [[:en:results:phaseout]]