The installation routine (see below) checks the PHP settings and warns about possible problems. One setting that usually needs to be changed concerns file sizes:
for the value upload_max_filesize
in the file php.ini.post_max_size
has a smaller value, enter 32M
here as well. The latter also avoids problems with very large questionnaires (e.g. a lot of HTML or PHP code).memory_limit
has a value below 32M
, this value must be increased as well, so that the upload of large files works correctly. To really get exactly to the upper limit of 32 MB when uploading, this value must be even slightly higher (e.g. 33M), because SoSci Survey itself also needs some memory.max_file_uploads
setting. The standard configuration with 20 images may be a bit tight and can be increased to e.g. 50 or 100.The other PHP settings are already suitable for SoSci Survey in a standard installation. The following describes the necessary changes in case the installation routine raises an alarm.
line in PHP.INI. Afterwards, the web server must be restarted./etc/init.d/apache2 restart