0% completed

We are inviting you to participate in this research investigating the nature of sexual attraction. 

There is no obligation to take part in this research; it is voluntary. You have the right to withdraw from the study at any point during or after data collection. You have until two weeks from today to withdraw any data that has been collected. You will create a unique identifier code and you will need to keep record of this information for us to withdraw your data.

You will be asked to answer some demographic questions and then to provide some attractiveness judgements of images of people of various ages. After this a psychometric test about sexuality will be administered. This study poses no foreseeable risks. If at any point you feel uncomfortable you are free to withdraw your data at any time.

Data collected will only be accessible to the research group and project supervisor. Researchers will store electronic data on password-protected devices that only they have access to. The data will be stored by the project supervisors.

Researcher/ Research Team Details:

Details of who to contact if you have any concerns or if adverse effects occur after the study are given below.

Roya Banki: n1128302@my.ntu.ac.uk           Emily Hine: n1112689@my.ntu.ac.uk

Project Supervisors:

Craig Harper - craig.harper@ntu.ac.uk

Rebecca Lievesley – rebecca.lievesley@ntu.ac.uk


Thank you.

Based on the information above, please indicate your consent to taking part in this research.

Dr. Craig Harper, Nottingham Trent University – 2023