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Thank you for your consideration in participating in this research project. My name is Alisha Awan, and I am conducting this study as part of my Masters project. This information page will serve as an outline of what the study is and what the study process will entail. Please read this page thoroughly. If you have any questions or wish to discuss anything regarding the study further, please see the bottom of the page for contact details. 

What is the purpose of this study? 

The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding into the thinking styles of those with an attraction to children. The study will then assess how different thinking styles can affect wellbeing and support needs. 

What will I be doing? 

The study will consist of several questionnaires. Following this information sheet, a consent form will be presented in which you give your permission to take part and for your data to be used in analysis. After this has been agreed to, the questionnaires will take place. You will work your way through the survey at your own pace: there is no time restriction for the questionnaire. If you choose to take part, please answer the questions as honestly as you can. 

Do I have to take part? 

No, you do not have to take part. If you choose not to, please exit the window now. If you do decide you would like to take part, you are within your rights to withdraw your data during the questionnaire: simply exit the window at any point. If you would like to withdraw after completing, please email me or my research supervisors by your withdrawal deadline, quoting the unique ID you will create on the next page. You do not have to give a reason for your withdrawal. Please be aware, however, that you will only have 2 weeks following the date of your participation to withdraw your data. 

Further information and contact details:

If you have any questions regarding the study that have not been answered above or you would simply like to get in touch, please feel free to contact myself or my research supervisor. 

Contact Details

Researcher: Alisha Awan (N0858624@my.ntu.ac.uk) 

Research Leads: Dr Craig Harper (craig.harper@ntu.ac.uk); Dr Rebecca Lievesley (rebecca.lievesley@ntu.ac.uk); Allen Bishop (abishop@b4uact.org)

Based on this information, are you happy to take part?

Dr. Craig Harper, Nottingham Trent University – 2023