Thank you for considering participating in this research project.
Before deciding whether to participate, it is important that you understand the
reason why the research is being conducted, and what your participation will
involve. Please do not hesitate to contact us if any of the information is
unclear or you wish to discuss your participation in this project.
is the purpose of the study?
study is concerned with understanding the experiences, attitudes and behaviours
of family, friends and partners of individuals who self identify as sexually
attracted to children. If you are attracted to children, please do not complete this survey.
Please note that you do not need to have known the person with attractions to children before they disclosed to you. However, if you met them already knowing that they were attracted to children then some questions may not be applicable. Please feel free to skip these questions.
do I need to do?
will be asked to complete an online survey that will take approximately 15
minutes to complete. You will be asked to rate the feelings you experienced
during and after disclosure, as well as being asked to read statements that
relate to stigma, perceived risk, and relationship satisfaction. You will be
asked to rate how much you agree that the statement describes your attitude,
experience or behaviour.
I have to take part?
No, your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. You
can withdraw from the study by contacting a member of the research team up to
two weeks after completing the survey and providing your unique identifier. You
should make contact via an email or a letter, and can maintain your anonymity
by creating a de-identifiied email address if you wish. Contact details are
given below.
How will the research team deal with confidentiality and protect
my anonymity?
All participation is completely anonymous. You will be asked to
input a unique identifier.
Data will be held securely,
with only the research team having access to this, in compliance with the
British Psychological Society’s code of ethics. If you choose to withdraw your
data it is possible that you may compromise your anonymity by revealing your
identity to the research team, for example, by contacting us with an
identifiable email address – please consider using post or phone to avoid this.
Contact details:
leads / supervisors:
Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Nottingham
Trent University, 50
Shakespeare Street, Nottingham, NG1