Welcome to our survey for alumni_ae of the mdw –

University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna! 

The main objective of this survey is to find out which activities our alumni_ae want to see from the mdw alumni relations office. However, in order to additionally find out how to best communicate with our alumni_ae, you will also find a few questions about you and your ties to the mdw.

We thank you very much for participating! By doing so, you are helping to develop activities that will be valuable for you and other alumni_ae.

It takes about 10 minutes to complete this survey. All data will be collected and processed anonymously.

If you would like to be informed about the activities for mdw alumni_ae, we invite you to submit your contact information to the alumni-relations office.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you very much and best regards!

Mag.a Sigrid Katja Langmaier
Head of Alumni Relations at mdw