0% completed

Participant Information and Consent 


Thank you for considering participating in this research project. Before deciding whether to participate, it is important that you understand the reason why the research is being conducted, and what your participation will involve. Please do not hesitate to contact us if any of the information is unclear or you wish to discuss your participation in this project. 


What is the purpose of this study? 

This study explores the basis of individual’s attractions. This is done by asking you able the relative importance of various aspects of a person that you find attractive at different ages.  


Why have I been chosen to take part? 

You have been selected as we require a broad range of people’s input on this research and therefore your views are important to us.  


Do I have to take part? 

No, your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. You can withdraw from the study by contacting a member of the research team up to two weeks after completing the survey and providing your unique identifier. You should make contact via an email or a letter, and can maintain your anonymity by creating a de-identifiied email address if you wish. Contact details are given below.  


What will I be asked to do? 

You will be given an online survey that will take approximately 15 minutes for you to complete. You will be asked to respond to a set of questions pertaining to the physical and psychological traits you may (or may not) find attractive in people of different ages. 


What will happen to the information I provide in the study? 

Your responses will be analysed alongside responses from other participants to determine what attraction is based on and determine any differences in populations.    


How will the research team deal with confidentiality and protect my anonymity? 

All participation is completely anonymous, unless you email us from an identifiable source (e.g., an email address with your name contained within it). You will be asked to create a unique identifier before beginning the pre-test. This will be the day of your birth, 3rd letter of first name, and your house/flat number. For example, John Smith born on 26th of April and living at a house/flat number 84 would produce the code: 26-H-84.  


Furthermore, data will be held securely, with only the research team having access to this, in compliance with the British Psychological Society’s code of ethics. If you choose to withdraw your data it is possible that you may compromise your anonymity by revealing your identity to the research team, for example, by contacting us with an identifiable email address – please consider using post or phone to avoid this. 


What are the possible risks/disadvantages of taking part? 

One of the disadvantages would be the time taken to complete the survey. You may also be asked to answer questions or shown pictures that may make you feel uncomfortable. We do not anticipate this as a major risk, but you will be provided with sources of support following the research. 


What are the possible benefits/advantages? 

Your responses will be invaluable to future research in this area as it has been rarely explored. You may also find the participation in the research interesting. 


How can I find out more about this project and its results? 

For more information about the project, please contact a member of the research team (contact details below). 


Has the study been reviewed by anyone? 

The research has been subject to ethical approval by the University’s School of Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee. It has been designed with reference to the British Psychological Society’s code of ethics.  



Research team contacts:  


Postgraduate Researchers 

Jo Schumakoff, N1033653@my.ntu.ac.uk 

Claire Knight, N0581321@my.ntu.ac.uk 


Research Leads / Supervisors 

Dr. Rebecca Lievesley, rebecca.lievesley@ntu.ac.uk, 01158 482620 

Dr. Craig Harper, craig.harper@ntu.ac.uk, 01158 484718 


NTU Psychology  

Nottingham Trent University 

50 Shakespeare Street 


NG1 4FQ 



Statement of Consent: 


I have read the information above and understand the purpose of the research and my part in it. I understand what will happen to my data and that I have the right to stop the research at any point and up to two weeks after participation.  

Dr. Craig Harper, Nottingham Trent University – 2022