Dynamic Meta-Analysis of Body Position Effects

Welcome to the Submission Portal for DAB (Dynamic Meta-Analysis of Body Position Effects). Thank you for considering submitting an effect to the Dynamic Meta-Analysis!

Please regard the following inclusion criteria:

a) Only pose or posture manipulation (no yoga or other bodily interventions),

b) measurement of DV(s) after a single session (not later than 30min after intervention; no inclusion of studies with practicing nonverbal display for a week or else),

c) direct nonverbal manipulation (no inclusion of studies in which other persons should evoke a certain position in participants)

[converting effect sizes: https://www.psychometrica.de/effect_size.html]

[Abbreviations: HPP = High Power Posing; LPP = Low Power Posing; UP = Upright Posture; SP = Slumped Posture]

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via the e-mail adresses at the bottom of this page.

Please fill in the following fields. They are mandatory for your study to be included in the dynamic meta-analysis. If you have questions regarding any of the values, do not hesitate to contact us!

An R-function to compute se is available here.

Please indicate which body positions participants adopted.

What type was your dependent variable?

Was there a cover story about the manipulation of body positions?

Please indicate how body positions were manipulated.

Was the study for which you reported Hedges’s g (see above) preregistered?

What culture did your participants stem from mainly?

Did you use a student sample?

Did you provide a social context for participants during posing (e.g., social filler task; interaction with confederates, etc.)?

Did you control the adoption of the body positions (e.g., via video recording; experimenter was present and corrected; exclusion of participants who did not assume body positions as intended)?

If your study included a control group, please answer the following questions:

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