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Survey on economic aspects of the transformation to a bioeconomy

Dear participants,

The research project SYMOBIO (Systematic Monitoring and Modelling of the Bioeconomy), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), aims to develop the scientific basis for systemic monitoring and modelling of the bioeconomy in Germany. National and international aspects are taken into account in the conceptual framework of "Bioeconomy as social change".

In the previous SYMOBIO survey in 2021, the ideas of bioeconomy actors on future visions for the bioeconomy were surveyed. The results showed that the majority of participants envisioned their ideal future bioeconomy as a "social-ecological transformation", but viewed the German and EU bioeconomy strategies as forms of "green capitalism" (More information on previous results).

With a series of three new online questionnaires and three accompanying workshops, the SYMOBIO 2.0 project further (from 2023 - 2024) explores stakeholders' perspectives on the ecological, social and economic sustainability aspects of each bioeconomy vision. This questionnaire continues this series, in which we ask you to present your views on the economic aspects of the bioeconomy transformation. Participation will only take 15-20 minutes.

All data collected will be fully anonymized and processed in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). By participating, you agree to the anonymous evaluation and publication of the results. For data protection reasons, we ask you to refrain from providing any personal data.

We also ask you to forward and distribute the questionnaire to other interested, suitable bodies. By incorporating additional perspectives into the monitoring of bioeconomy development, a database is created that contributes to social discussion and future decisions in the context of social change towards a sustainable economy.

We thank you in advance for your participation.