Dear participant,

Thank you for your participation in this study, you are making a valuable contribution to health research among musicians.

This study focuses on the hearing health of musicians. It involves questions about hearing protection and your experiences related to hearing. The level of exposure varies depending on the instrument, and we aim to collect your experiences to statistically compare them.

Filling out this questionnaire will take about 8-10 minutes.

It is very important that you answer honestly. If you cannot answer a question, try to give the answer that is most likely to apply.
If you don't want to answer a question, that's perfectly okay. However, we cannot trace any of the answers back to you as a person, as all data is stored anonymously.

To ensure your anonymity, you will be assigned a code in the questionnaire. Only you know this code, so it is best to save it in your cell phone so that only you can access it, because you have to enter it again for each questionnaire so that we can recognize the data from different questionnaires as belonging together.

The results of our study will be available a few months after the end of the project. If you would like to be informed, you can enter your e-mail address in a list at the rehearsal week.

If you have any questions about our study or if anything is unclear, you can contact us at any time:

Matthias Bertsch: 
Marik Roos:

1. I have read and understood the information and agree that my data may be collected and processed for the above-mentioned scientific purposes.