Translations of this page:


string caseSerial()

The function caseSerial() returns the value saved in the data record in the variable SERIAL. This is useful, for example, if you would like to show the respondent a personalized link to another questionnaire.

  • If the participant was invited via Mailing, caseSerial() returns the personal ID of the participant.
  • If an access code was used to begin the questionnaire (either transferred in the Link or entered manually), this will be returned when caseSerial() is used.

Note: An access code in the link to the questionnaire is saved regardless of whether the the questionnaire can only be accessed with an access code, or if it is public. To tranfer an ID that is not an access code, it is better to use the reference designed for this purpose.


Note: If you are using mailings, normally the function mailSchedule() is more effective than the following example. If necessary, read the chapter Multi-Wave Surveys with Self-Selection.

  <p>Please access this
  <a href="'.caseSerial().'">
  questionnaire</a> next week!</p>

The access code or the personal ID is also available with the placeholder %caseSerial% . The following PHP code has the same purpose a the code above.

  <p>Please access this
  <a href="">
  questionnaire</a> next week!</p>
en/create/functions/caseserial.txt · Last modified: 21.04.2024 20:18 by admin
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