Translations of this page:


The function dbKeys() lists all keys stored in the Database for Contents. If a subKey is specified, the function returns all keys beginning with this subkey (prefix) and are stored with the current interview language or with the base language of the survey project.

More details and examples can be found in chapters Data Fragments in PHP code and dbSet()

array dbKeys([string subKey])

  • subKey (optional)
    • If a subkey is specified then only keys beginning with this subkey are listed. For example, if the subkey is 'A', you will get “A001”, “A002”, “AA00”, “Alpha”, etc., but not “B001” or “100”.
    • If no subkey is specified, dbKeys() returns all keys from the database for content.
en/create/functions/dbkeys.txt · Last modified: 29.01.2025 13:38 by robin.bodenberger
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