int loopPage(int startValue, int endValue, [int Increment])
int loopPage(int Repetitions)
mixed loopPage(array Elements)
Repeats the page – starting with the startValue – in a loop until the endValue is reached. The current value is returned in each case.
.If only a numeric parameter (repeats) is specified, the page will be repeated as many times as specified. The count variable starts with 0 in this case.
If only one array is specified as parameter (elements), the page will be displayed once for each element of the array and the function loopPage()
will return the element of the array each time.
Note: To repeat multiple pages, use loopToPage()
Note: For sample code to use, see the instructions for loopToPage()
if (!isset($questions)) { // List of all questions from section RS $questions = getQuestions('RS'); // Shuffle and cache the list of questions (array) shuffle($questions); registerVariable($questions); } // Process all identifiers from the $questions list $questions = loopPage($questions); question($questions);
// PHP-Code auf einer der ersten Seiten im Fragebogen // Create, shuffle and cache list of questions $questions = array( 'AB01', 'AB02', 'AB03', 'AB04', 'AB05', 'AB06' ); shuffle($questions); registerVariable($questions);
// PHP code later in the questionnaire $i = loopPage(6); // 6 repetitions - equivalent to loopPage(0,5) question($questions[$i]);
In this example, the list of questions is already defined and shuffled earlier in the questionnaire. This eliminates the IF construction with isset()
, which prevents the list from being shuffled again in the above example.
Note: Because the same page is displayed again and again, the response times for all repetitions are added. If you want to collect the processing times separately, you have to use multiple pages instead of loopPage()
// PHP code on one of the first pages in the questionnaire. // Create, shuffle and cache list of questions $questions = array( 'AB01', 'AB02', 'AB03', 'AB04', 'AB05', 'AB06' ); shuffle($questions); registerVariable($questions);
// PHP code later in the questionnaire - page 21 question($questions[0]); // PHP code on page 22 question($questions[1]); // etc. // PHP code on page 26 question($questions[5]);
Within a page order defined by setPageOrder()
, loopPage()
cannot be used. This would break the page sequence.
If you want to repeat a page within a page sequence, then define this repetition already in the page sequence. In the following example, for example, the page with the identifier „loop“ is repeated four times:
setPageOrder(['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'loop', 'loop', 'loop', 'loop', 'b3', 'b2']);
To determine which repeat the page is currently in, you can use the function loopIndex()
. This shows at which point of the page sequence you are currently, starting to count with 0. So on the page „loop“ it would get the value 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Here you could simply subtract 3. But if the repetition appears in a different place in the questionnaire, you can work using registerVariable()
. The following code on the „loop“ page would use $i
to return the value 0 to 3, no matter where the page is repeated.
// Determine the current position $pos = loopIndex(); // Check if we already know the first position of this page if (!isset($firstIndex)) { $firstIndex = $pos; registerVariable($firstIndex); } // Store the different in variable $i // this corresponds in other codes to $i = loopPage(...) $i = $pos - $firstIndex;
If you repeat several (different) pages, you must use a different variable name instead of $firstIndex
in each case.