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Customize Logo and Footer

Most layouts display a logo at the top to the left, and a footer with contact information the bottom of the questionnaire. By default, the server's logo and contact information from the user account are used. Both of these can be customized with a few clicks in the menu item Footer and Logo.

Note: If the questionnaire layout does not include a logo, changes to the logo are irrelevant. All default layouts in SoSci Survey support the use of logos.

Tip: To make further adjustments to the appearance of the questionnaire, please see Questionnaire Layouts.

The footer is written as HTML code. You can either enter/modify HTML code yourself, or use the assistant (at the bottom in Footer and Logo). The assistant generates HTML code for the footer from individual details for name, institution, email address etc. Then you just have to copy this HTML code (all or part of it) into the input field for the footer.

Note: In some cases, depending on who is behind the survey (e.g. a company), further details in the contact information are required by law.

Tip: Contact information is often required by law and/or important, in order for the respondent to be able to determine the origin of the questionnaire.

Tip: When using links in the footer, it is recommended to use the attribute target="_blank", so that clicking on the link does not lead to the participant leaving the questionnaire. Although the use of the target attribute in HTML 4.1. is not exactly correct, it is the only solution that works reliably in nearly all browsers on all operating systems.

Tip: The footer should contain an email address that the participant can contact in the event of technical problems. Link the email address as such: either using the assistant or with the following HTML code:

<a href="mailto:emailaddress">emailaddress</a>

Tip: If you are inclined to hide the contact information, despite all of its advantages, enter a tilde (~) as the HTML code.

You can change the logo in the „Logo“ tab in Footer and Logo.

  • In order to upload your own logo, select the option „Upload new logo“, choose a file, and confirm with „OK“. The new logo is then appears to the right in the preview.
  • If you just want to deactivate the server's default logo, select the option Do not show a logo.
  • In principle, SoSci Survey supports the integration of a logo with a URL (Integrate logo from URL). However, both questionnaire and logo must then be transmitted in either unencrypted or encrypted form. This means: if the questionnaire is called up with HTTPS, the logo must also be integrated via HTTPS link. Otherwise, some browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer) display a warning, or no logo at all.
  • If the questionnaire should actually show the server's default logo, select the option Default logo.

Note: The logo must be uploaded in an internet-friendly format (see Images in the Questionnaire) – i.e. as PNG, GIF or (in rare cases) JPG files and, above all, with the correct pixel size. Therefore, in some cases, the logo has to be scaled beforehand with an image editing application (see Images: Scale Images).

Tip: The entire width of the questionnaire can be used (default: 600 pixels) for layouts where the logo appears above the questionnaire, – for layouts where the logo appears to the left, the width should not exceed 140 pixels.

en/create/imprint.txt · Last modified: 19.03.2021 09:34 by sophia.schauer
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