The use of a “personal code” for printed questionnaires (pen 'n paper) has proven to be effective in multi-wave surveys. In the first questionnaire, the participant create a code from the fragments of personal information. This could look like the following:
If the participant enters the same code in the second questionnaire, the two data sets can be matched. The above example is only for illustration – actual recommendations can be found, for example, in:
An advantage of this solution is that the code functioned relatively reliably and provided high anonymity in times before the Social Web. However, this solution also has disadvantages:
If an online questionnaire is used, further options are available for multi-wave surveys. Every solution is a compromise between data protection and convenience/reliability. The following options are arranged by data protection level, whereby the first and “worst” option already guarantees a good level of data protection – but not maximum data protection. For most purposes, serial mail is the method of choice.
to schedule the sending of the invitation to the second questionnaire and then immediately delete the e-mail address using dropValue()
. The back button (if allowed in the questionnaire) should be deactivated at least on this page using option()
to avoid accidental storage of the e-mail address.%caseNumber%
). The participant has to enter their e-mail address, but this will not be stored. A disadvantage compared to the mailing function is that the link cannot be sent time-controlled because the e-mail address would have to be stored temporarily tto achieve this.If one has decided against the alternatives for the inquiry of a personal code, there are two fundamental possibilities of the implementation in SoSci Survey:
The first variant is obvious and corresponds to the procedure in the printed questionnaire. You explain to the participant how to create the code and then use a Text Inputs question so that the participant can enter the code.
To check at least the correct format, you can define a “regular expression” for the text input question. To do this, click on the input field on the left in the navigation and define a regular expression under restrictions for the text input. Regular expressions are complex search patterns with exciting possibilities (, but at first glance they also look somewhat complex. It's half as bad for the personal code:
This regular expression describes a code consisting of 2 letters (capital letters, no umlauts), three digits and then another letter, e.g. AB123C
includes all characters from A to Z (capital letters only), [A-Za-z]]
also includes lower case letters and [A-Za-zÄÖäöü]
also includes German umlauts.{2}
after the first character class indicates that two letters are expected.[0-9]
in square brackets indicates that a digit is expected. You could also use the predefined class \d
(without square brackets).Tip: Set an (arbitrary) auto-fill code for the open input field in the details settings. The browser will then remember the personal code (if not deactivated in the browser) and automatically suggest it the next time you fill in the form.
It is easier for the respondent to fill in the individual components of the code separately. The format check is also easier.
It is not really necessary to display the participant's personal code “en bloc” again, but if you want to do this, use a little JavaScript. Assuming your text input question has the identifier “PC01” and contains 6 input fields, you would place the following HTML/JavaScript code under the question:
<div style="margin: 2em; font-size: 1.2em;"> Your personal code: <span id="personalCode" style="font-weight: bold;">–</span> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var pcInputs = ["PC01_01", "PC01_02", "PC01_03", "PC01_04", "PC01_05", "PC01_06"]; function pcRefresh() { var code = ""; for (var i=0; i<pcInputs.length; i++) { code+= document.getElementById(pcInputs[i]).value; } document.getElementById("personalCode").innerHTML = code; } // Init pcRefresh(); for (var i=0; i<pcInputs.length; i++) { document.getElementById(pcInputs[i]).addEventListener("keyup", pcRefresh); } // --> </script>
For the later analysis it is helpful to save the code “en bloc” in the data set. For this you need a Internal variable (e.g. “IV01_01”) and the following PHP code on the next page (!):
$code = implode(valueList('PC01')); put('IV01_01', $code);
If you expect empty fields, you can also save the components of the code separately with a hyphen (apart from the fact that you have the individual components in the data record again anyway):
$code = implode('-', valueList('PC01')); put('IV01_01', $code);
Tip: Make sure you specify a mandatory response for open text input, missing data is usually not helpful.
Search terms: Personal code, participation code, panel survey, longitudinal, multi-wave survey