Translations of this page:

Preparing and Launching the Survey

Once the questionnaire is completed, only a few more steps are necessary to launch the survey. Pretests may seem trivial, but they are important for a reliable collection of data and should be carried out diligently.

The chapter Data and Documentation describes how to control the return rate and what to do after the administration period has ended.

How do the participants get to the questionnaire?

Participants are recruited in very different ways. Accordingly, there is a whole range of functions in SoSci Survey. Below you will find a brief overview of which function you need and when.

  • Anonymous participation
    In the simplest case, communicate the URL to the Questionnaire as a link on a web page, intranet page, or as a post on a social network ([:en:survey:participants]]).
  • Individual links
    Individual links only allow you to fill out the questionnaire once (Prevent Multiple Submissions by the Same Respondent), but also make it easier to interrupt the survey. You have two options:
    • With Access URLs you can create the necessary number of URLs in SoSci Survey and then send them yourself by e-mail.
    • With the feature Send Mailings you can import the address list into SoSci Survey and then send an email with personalized links using SoSci Survey to these email addresses. The mailing feature also allows personalized emails (e.g. personal salutation) and the sending of reminder emails.
    • The mailing feature also makes it easier to conduct multi-wave surveys.
  • Codes for participation
    In some cases, participants are not invited to the survey electronically, e.g., by mail via letter, or they draw participation codes on slips of paper. The latter allows surveys with a very high level of data protection. For such surveys Access Codes are used. Access codes are one-time codes that are entered into a text field after calling up the questionnaire URL.
  • Participants from commercial panels
    If participants from a commercial panel are to complete your questionnaire, you must redirect participation back to the panel provider at the end of the questionnaire (redirects). How this works is described in Working with External Panel Providers. Often a screenout or quota stop is also desired here: Quota.
  • Linking with external systems
    If the participants are managed in an external (web) application, e.g. in a newsletter system or in a system for participant or customer management, then this application can automatically create or request access URLs in SoSci Survey: API access for personalized participation links
en/survey/start.txt · Last modified: 23.05.2024 08:08 by admin
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